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Chinese translation for "party dress"


Related Translations:
dress:  vt.(dressed, 〔古语〕 drest; dressed, drest)1.使穿衣,给…穿衣,打扮。2.装饰,修饰;布置(橱窗等)。3.加工(皮革等);梳理(头发),梳刷(马等);敷裹,包扎(伤处);烹调(饮食),做(菜)。4.整顿(队伍)。5.【矿物】选(矿),洗(矿)。6.修剪(树木等);给(土地)除草;为(庄稼)施肥;耕作(土地)。7.使(石头、木材、织物等)
dressing:  n.1.穿衣;衣服,服装;打扮,装束;装饰,修饰。2.(铸件等的)修整;(石料等的)修琢;(木材等的)打磨。3.(伤口的)包扎,敷裹;包扎用品,敷料,绷带。4.烹调,做菜;(鸡鸭等的)剖洗。5.调味品,加味品,填料。6.追肥;(旱地用的)肥料。7.【矿物】选矿。8.【军事】整队;【纺织;印染】整理;上浆;梳棉。9.〔口语〕申斥,责骂。
dress coat:  燕尾服。
dress goods:  (妇女、儿童用的)衣料。
dress circle:  〔古语〕二楼正座〔此处观众需穿晚礼服〕。
salad dressing:  色[沙]拉用调料〔植物油、醋、香料等的混合〕。
dress guard:  (女式脚踏车上的)护衣装置。
field dressing:  (战场上的)应急治疗。
battle dress:  战地服装。
traveling dress:  旅游服;休闲服。
Example Sentences:
1.I ' d like to place an order for your party dress from your catalog
2.My young granddaughter is as pretty as a picture in her party dress
3.You wear that party dress , black mascara like you re queen for the day
4.He wants to help her . what does he do ? he makes her a party dress
5.It ' s my party dress
6.Nora arrived at the party dressed to kill , causing every head to turn in admiration
7.I ' m not going to the party dressed like this , i ' d stick out like a sore thumb
8.And she put us in our best party dresses and dragged us down to the kitchen , which was -
她给我们穿上最好的衣服把我们拉到厨房,那里. .
9.Tom really put one over us when he came to the halloween party dressed as a witch
10.Betty came to the party dressed to kill and she certainly was the center of attention
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